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Interdiciplinary Activity

Sagar Public School, Ratibad conducted an Interdisciplinary activity for classes VI-VIII exploring India's cultural diversity on July 23, 2024. Students were divided into groups and assigned different regions of the country, including the Southern states, Northern states like Punjab, and the Eastern states of Meghalaya and Tripura and western Gujrat. They researched and presented aspects of their assigned states, including dances, instruments, personalities, food, temples, and tourism. Activities included match stick art, Kolam art, dot patterns, collage making, and Showcasing the intricate jewelry of North Eastern tribes, displaying tribal paintings from Meghalaya and Tripura Students thoroughly enjoyed learning about their unique traditions and customs, appreciating India's rich cultural heritage. The teachers also dressed up in the attire as per the state assigned to them. The event promoted cultural awareness and appreciation among students, who gained a deeper understanding of different regions.

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Guru Poornima Celebration

**न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः। तत्त्वज्ञानात् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥** गुरु की महिमा अपरंपार है। गुरु वह दिव्य शक्ति हैं जो हमें अज्ञानता से मुक्त कर ज्ञान के प्रकाश में लाते हैं। गुरु का सम्मान और उनकी शिक्षाओं का पालन हमारे जीवन को सच्चे अर्थों में सफल और सार्थक बनाता हैं। सागर पब्लिक स्कूल, रातीबड़ के तत्वाधान में गुरु पूर्णिमा के उपलक्ष्य में कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए गए।कार्यक्रम का आरंभ दीप प्रज्ज्वलन कर विद्यार्थियों के द्वारा श्लोक मंत्रित करते हुए किया गया। तत्पश्चात् छात्र-छात्राओ ने अपने शिक्षकों का सम्मान रोली अक्षत लगाकर उनका आशीष लेकर उनके प्रति अपनी कृतज्ञता व्यक्त की । इस अवसर पर विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक का भी आयोजन किया गया। लघु नाटिका के माध्यम से गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा को पुनर्जीवित करने का संदेश दिया और यह भी बताया कि गुरुपूर्णिमा का धार्मिक, आध्यात्मिक और सांस्कृतिक महत्व क्या है? महाभारत के रचयिता महर्षि वेद व्यास के जन्मदिवस के रूप मानने के कारण इस दिन को व्यास पूर्णिमा भी कहा जाता है। पल्लवी अलकुंडी द्वारा नृत्य के माध्यम से गुरुओं को नमन किया गया। छात्रों द्वारा अनेक रंगारंग प्रस्तुतियां दी गईं। गुरुपूर्णिमा भारतीय संस्कृति में एक महत्वपूर्ण पर्व है, जो गुरुओं के प्रति श्रद्धा और सम्मान व्यक्त करने के लिए मनाया जाता हैं। कार्यक्रम के समापन में डायरेक्टर महोदया डॉ जय श्री कंवर ने गुरु के महत्व पर एक लघु कथा के माध्यम से प्रकाश डाला और यह भी बताया कि गुरु के बिना जीवन अधूरा है उसकी कृपा से ही हम हमारे जीवन को सच्चे अर्थों में सफल और सार्थक बना सकते हैं। सफल मंच संचालन शीतल वर्मा ने किया।

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Yellow Day Celebration

Yellow, the colour of sunshine is hope and happiness. It stands for freshness, positivity intellect and joy. On 20th July, the PPRT section of our school celebrated Yellow Day along with Bagless Day. The motive of celebrating yellow day was to make the kids aware of the colour yellow, its significance and to de-velop the fine motor skills in the students. The day began with fun filled introduction concerning the colour yellow. Students were all dressed up in different shades of yellow colour. It was indeed a visual treat to see the impact of the yellow colour on our little ones. The kids were excited while doing the craft activity which was arranged for them by the class teachers. It was an amazing learning experience which had a long lasting effect on each kid. All the kids were happy and enjoyed to the fullest.

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Plantation Drive

"A tree is beautiful, but what’s more, it has a right to live; like water, the sun, and the stars, it is essential. Life on earth is inconceivable without trees.” Sagar Public School, Ratibad organised Tree Plantation Drive on 5th July 2024 from the classes Nur to III. The students took a pledge to take care of the saplings they had planted. This motive is to encourage them to become nature friendly. Various type of saplings were planted by the students in and around the school premises. It was hands on experience for the students and it created awareness amongst them about the importance of trees.

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International No Plastic Day

"Crafting eco-friendly paper bags for a greener tomorrow!" With an aim to spread awareness SPS RB students of Grade VI-VIII celebrated World Paper Bag Day with a Paper bag making Activity out of old Newspapers. Students were extremely excited to take their bags home and use it in their day to day lives.

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Investiture Ceremony and Foundation Day

"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." - John C. Maxwell Sagar Public School, Ratibad organized its seventh Foundation Day and Investiture Ceremony with formation of student council for the year 2024-25 with great enthusiasm and zeal. Lt.Col.Kapil Khuller was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The Investiture Ceremony aimed to inculcate leadership, responsibilities and equality to everyone amongst students. The ceremony commenced with ceremonial welcome with chanting of shlokas and lighting of lamp by the Chief Guest, and other dignitories. An oath taking ceremony marked the day of all the office-bearers who marched confidently and smartly to the tunes of school band. The cultural performances were the highlights of the event. There was felicitation ceremony for Class X students to motivate them to reach for excellence .Sheetal Verma received cash prize of Rs.25000 for her exemplary academic performance. Ceremony concluded with march-past by the cabinet followed by singing of School anthem.

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Circle Time

The Rainy Season is one of the favourite seasons for kids. As they love playing in the rain,they play with water boats, jump in small pits poured with rain water and play with mud.. Circle Time was conducted for Classes Nursery and KG - I on the Topic Rainy Season at Sagar Public School, Ratibad. Little Ones learned about what are the things we use in rainy season like Umbrella, Raincoat, Boots etc and new words related to rainy season were explained to children to enhance their vocabulary.

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Fun With Colours

In fostering creativity and nurturing talent, teachers often seek innovative ways to engage students. One such activity is through the art of colouring through mixing of colours. This activity was done with class II students through which guidance was given to students to showcased their drawing skills, and imaginative flair. It encouraged artistic expression but also promoted teamwork, individual creativity as well , and attention to detail.

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Hindi Class Activity

नाटक-आधारित शिक्षण अधिगम का एक साधन और प्रभावशाली शिक्षण पद्धति है ।यह शिक्षण माध्यम विद्यार्थियों के बीच संचार के अंतराल को पाट सकता है, तथा कक्षा में विद्यार्थियों के बीच सार्थक वार्तालाप और अंतर्क्रिया का अवसर पैदा कर सकता है। नाटक संचार सिखाता है और कला के रूपों में, नाटक छात्रों के लिए कई अलग-अलग पहलुओं में एक-दूसरे को समझने का एक तरीका है! उनमें सहनशीलता की भावना भी विकसित होती है । इसी के अंतर्गत कक्षा सात के विद्यार्थियो द्वारा 'खिलौनेवाला' 'पाठ पर आधारित एक फेरीवाला गतिविधि करवाई गई,जिसका उद्देश्य फेरीवालो की जीवन शैली और उनके क्रियाकलापों का छात्रों को अनुभव करवाना है

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Father's Day Celebration

Father's Day Celebration: June 26, 2024 Children at SPS RB enjoyed a delightful Father's Day celebration filled with creativity and warmth. They crafted beautiful greeting cards for their fathers and watched heartwarming videos showcasing special moments between dads and their children. It was a day cherished by all, celebrating the love and bond between fathers and their kids.

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Athletics Activity

Athletics Activity is done at SPS Ratibad for Nur-III Class Students.

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International Yoga Day Celebration

On June 21st, Sagar Public School Ratibad celebrated International Yoga Day. The event aimed to promote the significance and benefits of yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being among students, teachers, and staff members. The students gathered in yoga room where colorful yoga mats were set up. The instructor guided the participants through a series of yoga postures and breathing exercises, promoting balance, flexibility, and body strength. The session was tailored to suit participants of different age groups and fitness levels, ensuring everyone could fully engage and experience the beauty of yoga.

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Welcoming of Little Sagarites

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!! As it was the first day after long summer vacation, School, . teachers welcomed students with enthusiasm and made the day very special with fun activities. Classes of Nursery wing to Grade V were made welcome through traditional tilak, showered flowers and balloons. The teachers decorated the corridors with welcome back message along with stick puppets and picture frames.The highlight of the day was Clown who welcomed them whole heartedly.Sagarites were amazed to meet, shook hands and danced alongwith him. The students were really happy to be welcomed in this innovative manner and walk down the corridors to a great year filled with learning new things, working together and having a lot of fun. They relished energy drink served to them.

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Zero Shadow Day

On 13th June Thursday ZERO SHADOW DAY was celebrated from 12.00 to 12.15 at the school premises. This was the rare celestial event when the sun is directly overhead casting no shadow on the ground. Children at Ratibad had a wonderful experience of observing no shadow when sun was overhead. It was a great learning experience and they enjoyed being in sun.

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Welcome Back Sagarites

After a refreshing summer vacation students of Sagar Public School Ratibad were welcomed back to school with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for the academic year 2024-25. We hope your summer vacation was filled with joy , rest and memorable movement as the new school year begins we are thrilled to see you all back ready to dive into your studies and take on new challenges . The red carpet welcome was given to Sagarites by their teachers . The students entered into the premises with smilling face and clapping hands . Special assembly was conducted by the teachers. Meals were served to them by the teachers to give them the touch of feeling at home.

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Environment Day Celebration

To raise global awareness and drive action to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices.We at Sagar Public School Ratibad celebrated the Environment Day by planting trees in the school campus. The main aim of the event was to increase awareness among students about the importance of the environment. Students took a pledge to save the environment.

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Bagless day for Juniors

Fun in the sun Sagar Public School, Ratibad threw a super fun celebration to mark the start of Summer Vacation. The last day before the summer holidays, Sagarites of classes Nursery to II, had a Fan tastic day to enjoy. ! The day was fun, on a run with our sunny side up to have loads of fun. All the kiddos showed up in their coolest and most colorful summer dresses, adding a splash of brightness and liveliness to the day. It was a Bagless Day and they had a blast with a Fruit Chart Activity, where they got to show off their artistic skills and learn about different fruits. It was such a perfect way to end the school year and the commencement of an amazing summer break. ! ????

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International Dance Day

International dance day is a special occasion that celebrates and signifies the power of movement and expression as a Universal language and is observed to highlight the diversity of dance forms and to promote inclusivity and accessibility. Dance is not just an art form but also extremely beneficial for overall health. Today sagarites of 3 to 5 at Ratibad celebrated this day by performing dance moves of various countries. Students at the end performed a fusion dance which thrilled in children with lots of energy . It was a fun way of learning the importance of dance.

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Fruity Refreshing Fiesta activity was conducted at school where parents showcased their creativity and craftsmanship in crafting beverages in different styles.They made mango panna,lassi,shakes etc.This exciting competition aims to bring parents together in a fun and interactive way, fostering a sense of community.This competition is to provide a platform for parents to unleash their inner talent and create delicious and visually stunning beverages. Bevereges were judged based on Creativity,Presentation and Flavor. Prizes were awarded to Ms.Reena singhal and Ms. Mayuri Dabi who stood first as there was tie between the two.The winners were elated to receive gifts and certificates.

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Japanese Encephalitis vaccine drive at Sagar Public School, Ratibad today! Sagarites had an amazing opportunity to learn about this viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes and its potential impact on the brain. They also took a proactive step towards protecting themselves by getting vaccinated. The vaccination drive was held in the school auditorium which was well-organized and efficient. The students were greeted by a team of healthcare professionals, who provided them with information about the vaccination process and answered any questions they had. The vaccination process itself was quick and smooth, with students receiving their vaccinations within a matter of minutes. Many students reported feeling relieved and grateful to have received their vaccinations, as it gave them greater protection against the flavivirus. Overall, the vaccination drive was a great success, and we are grateful to the healthcare professionals who made it possible. We hope that this drive will help to protect the health and wellbeing of our students, and we encourage all students to get vaccinated if they have the opportunity.

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Nature Walk by Junior Sagarites

Nature walks are an opportunity to relax take your time to observe and explore the environment and the importance of the natural resources present like air water and soil. There are endless possibilities to connect with child by creating positive activities and memories On Earth Day little Sagarites went for nature's walk they enjoyed and learnt so many things about the environment through this activity.

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National Skipping Day

‘Embrace the rhythm and jump to your own beat.’ National Skipping Day is observed on 24 April every year. This day is dedicated to promoting physical activity among children and it is celebrated by organizing various events and activities that involve skipping exercises. It is a day dedicated to promoting physical activity among children and celebrating the benefits of skipping exercises. This day encourages kids to get involved in various events and activities that involve skipping, fostering a love for physical activity and helping them stay healthy and fit. On 24th April 2024, students of Grade III to VIII participated in skipping activity. Engaging in physical activity like skipping rope not only promotes fitness but also enhances co-ordination and motor skills. Students tried their hands at skipping and enjoyed.

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Interhouse Football tournament

"Football is like a symphony, with each player adding their own unique note to create a masterpiece on the field." ⚽️ Participation in sport has been shown to have multiple physical, social and psychological benefits for learners of all ages. Keeping this in mind, Sagar Public School Ratibad organised an Inter House Football competition which was filled with excitement and skill. The players from all houses showed off their fancy footwork, strategic passes, and impressive goals. The crowd was going wild, cheering and chanting for their houses. It was an incredible atmosphere! In the end, the Satluj House managed to secure the win, but it was a close match. The Godavari House put up a strong fight and showed great sportsmanship throughout the game. It was a fantastic display of teamwork and determination from both sides. Overall, it was a memorable event that brought the whole school together. The inter-house football competition definitely showcased the talent and passion of the students.⚽️????

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English Language Day

'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.'" The English Language Day celebration at Sagar Public School Ratibad was a roaring success! English Language Day is celebrated on April 23rd, which is also the birthday of the famous playwright William Shakespeare. It's a special day to recognize the impact and beauty of the English language. At our school, we had an exciting celebration where students performed a renowned play by Shakespeare called "The Merchant of Venice". The play tells a captivating story of love, friendship, and justice. The students did an incredible job bringing the characters to life and showcasing their acting skills. It was a joy to watch! The performances not only entertained us but also highlighted the brilliance of Shakespeare's language and his ability to capture human emotions. It was a fantastic way to honor the great playwright and appreciate the power of the English language.

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English Day Celebration- Class Activities

On April 23, 2024, SPS Ratibad celebrated English Day with fervor and zeal, aiming to instill a deeper appreciation for the English language among students from primary sections I to V. Through a series of engaging activities like Scramble words, word ladder, spell bee, expression of emotions, and book mark activity. The event sought to blend fun and learning, creating a memorable experience for all participants.

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Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. ???? To promote the awareness among children SPS RB celebrated Earth Day today. The students actively participated by creating vibrant and eye-catching posters and plushy headgears showcasing their artistic talents and prevailing awareness about environmental issues. During the assembly, they put on an incredible skit that highlighted the importance of taking care of trees. It was both educational and entertaining! The pledge was also taken by students and teachers to make the environment neat and clean. As a beautiful gesture, the students also presented saplings to the teachers, symbolizing their commitment to a greener future. It was truly heartwarming to witness their enthusiasm and dedication to making a positive impact on the environment. On this day Regional Museum of Natural History Bhopal had organized a Poster making competition. Jatin Maran of grade IX had participated in the competition.

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Aspire Session by Dr. Manish Billore Sir

An Aspire session was conducted at SPS Ratibad which aimed to provide students with valuable insights, guidance, and motivation from the Sistec-R Principal Dr. Manish Billore Sir. He threw light on Karma Yoga and acquiring skills. He insists to find idol and follow accordingly. He shared motivational stories of success, resilience, and determination, inspiring students to believe in their abilities and pursue their dreams. It was an interactive session where students had the opportunity to ask questions. Overall, the session was interesting which proved to be a valuable platform for students to gain insights, guidance, and motivation.An Aspire session was conducted at SPS Ratibad which aimed to provide students with valuable insights, guidance, and motivation from the Sistec-R Principal Dr. Manish Billore Sir. He threw light on Karma Yoga and acquiring skills. He insists to find idol and follow accordingly. He shared motivational stories of success, resilience, and determination, inspiring students to believe in their abilities and pursue their dreams. It was an interactive session where students had the opportunity to ask questions. Overall, the session was interesting which proved to be a valuable platform for students to gain insights, guidance, and motivation.

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Heritage Quiz

It is rightly said "Preserving the heritage-Promoting the future "with this is in mind SPS RB conducted a heritage quiz where 4 teams had participated- a) Smart squad b) Trouble shooters c) Game changers d) Buzzer kings. This activity provided a platform where they shown the skills of competitiveness and perseverance. Students also shown the culture of Assam. Students learnt the importance of heritage. It also inculcated the habit of knowing history of every monument. It really provided a robust environment for increasing knowledge.

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School Librarian Day

SCHOOL LIBRARIAN DAY Today is National School Librarian Day, and April is School Library Month! We are thankful for our hardworking school librarian who enrich students' lives every day!

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Circle Time

The circle time is a special time when children are engaged in an open discussion, reading a story, participate in games or relaxation activities with the aim of learning new skills, practice verbal communication, developing emphatic listening skills……etc. These activities and games are also designed to promote respect and better understanding regarding this. Circle time was conducted for Classes Nursery to KG II in which children spoke about their favourite toys. They were excited throughout the activity and they enjoyed a lot.

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Parent Orientation Program

ORIENTATION PROGRAM 2024-25. "Even the greatest were the beginners. Don't be afraid to take that first step. " An orientation program was organized for the new parents on 13th April 2024 to familiarize the parents as 'partners in progress' with the rules and regulations of the school. The aim was to familiarize the new parents of classes Nursery to XI with the school’s culture, ethos, curriculum, and teaching pedagogies. The program commenced with the lamp-lighting ceremony. A power point presentation was shown to all the parents. A few points were highlighted such as-academic strategies , achievements in academic as well as co curricular activities, good parenting and constant communication between parents and teachers. The program gave the parents assurance that the curriculum involves self-directed, hands-on activities that not only give vent to the child's creative talent but also helps in their all-round development. The program proved to be a sincere effort made by the school to acquaint parents with the culture of the school. Parents were in high spirits after attending the program. It was thought provoking and fruitful session.

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D.E.A.R Day

'A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.' To highlight the importance of reading DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) activity was conducted at SPS RB today to commemorate the birthday of beloved author Beverly Cleary. Students and the staff members participated whole heartedly. Everyone dedicated the time for extra reading. Since students of classes KG I and KG II cannot read properly, the teachers narrated stories to them to make them aware about the importance of reading. During this one hour, the entire school became a big reading room. Children thoroughly enjoyed themselves while reading some of the masterpieces.

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Inter House Skating Competition

"Competition is a race where we set our own pace. Embrace the challenge, and let our talents shine with grace." In this respect, Sagar Public School, Ratibad, coordinated an Inter-house Skating Competition for the students in grades IV to VIII. The event was a true spectacle, showcasing the incredible talent and sportsmanship of the contenders. Participants from different houses exhibited their prowess on the skates with impressive tricks and graceful movements. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as the entire school cheered on their respective housemates. Congratulations to all the participants for their magnificent shots. !

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Red Day Celebration

Red Day Celebration???? Can we imagine the world without colors. With this objective the students of Pre-Primary celebrated Red Day on 6th April 2024, wherein students and teachers dressed in red color! The 'Red Day' celebration was a wonderful learning activity which helped children to learn about the significance of red colour. It was a scintillating day with innocent faces gleaming and reflecting brightness, joy, love and happiness. Red color activity was done along with the children which was given to them as a take away. The tiny tots sang Red Day song "My red balloon".." Apples are red.." Children enjoyed eating watermelon. Overall it was a fun & joyful experience for the children!

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Educational Trip to Amritsar and Manali

"Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta Students of Sagar Public School, Ratibad went on a National Trip to Amritsar and Manali on 14th March, 2024. The journey began with a visit to the historic Jallianwala Bagh, where students paid homage to the martyrs of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Next, they headed to Wagah Border to witness the exhilarating Beating Retreat Ceremony, fostering a sense of patriotism and unity among the students. The day concluded with a visit to the serene Golden Temple, where students immersed themselves in the tranquility of the holy shrine, experiencing the rich Sikh culture and tradition. In the morning, they left for Manali. Upon arrival, students embarked on a sightseeing tour, visiting the enchanting Hadimba Temple. The spiritual journey continued with a visit to the Vashistha Temple, known for its hot springs believed to have medicinal properties. The afternoon was filled with laughter and excitement at the Club House, where students engaged in various recreational activities. Next, they went to Tibetan Monastery, where students immersed in Tibetan culture and traditions. The day culminated with a stroll along the vibrant Mall Road, indulging in local delicacies and souvenirs. Next day, students ventured to the exhilarating Snow Point, where they reveled in the joy of playing amidst pristine white snow. The day was filled with laughter, snowball fights, and thrilling activities, creating cherished memories for a lifetime. In the evening, the excitement continued with a lively DJ night, where students danced their heart out. Students gained insight into the rich tradition of handloom at the Kullu Shawl Factory. Also, students visited Gurudwara Bhatha Sahib Ji, Roopnagar and got to know the history of the gurudwara there and its historical significance. In the end, students expressed overwhelming gratitude for the opportunity to explore the cultural heritage and natural beauty of Amritsar and Manali. Students cherished the trip immensely and carried a multitude of memories with them as they bid farewell to the enchanting destinations.

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Mini Summer Camp

Sagar Public School Ratibad organizes a summer camp for its students to provide them opportunities and exposure to explore their interests beyond academics and learn new skills to make the most of the lazy and long summer days, thus enhancing their knowledge and experience. All the students have actively participating for the fun ride engaging interesting activities, namely, Cricket, Football , Basketball ,Athletics ,Art and craft Instrumental, Music, Dance etc . The teachers and mentors have put up engaging acts, giving the students a chance to explore and learn various skills. The Mini Summer camp is for twelve days and promises to be a joyride for the students, full of fun-n-frolic, where students will engage themselves in vivid activities and will surely have an amazing takeaway in the form of exploration of hidden talents and interests and also beautiful bonds and memories to be cherished for a long time.

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World Book Day

"Books are windows to new worlds, keys to knowledge, and companions on the journey of imagination." To make the young students understand the importance of books and to nurture their reading habits, story telling session was conducted for classes Nursery to grade II on the occasion of The World Book Day. Pre-Primary teachers enacted, and presented a story in the form of a role play. Students of III to V became the avid readers in the library and enriched their vocabulary through book reading.

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Educational visit of Sagarites to SMPL

On 28th November 2023, a group of students ranging from Class VIII to XII embarked on an educational industrial trip to SAGAR MANUFACTURING PRIVATE LIMITED, a prominent yarn manufacturing company known for its high-quality products.The primary objective of the trip was to provide students with practical insights into the functioning of a yarn manufacturing unit, aligning with their academic curriculum and fostering a deeper understanding of industrial processes. The trip proved to be highly educational, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Students gained a comprehensive understanding of the yarn manufacturing industry, witnessing the interplay of science, technology, and precision in the production process.

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Media Coverage of SPECTRUM - The Annual Exhibition

सागर पब्लिक स्कूल रातीबड़ भोपाल में बुधवार को स्पेक्ट्रम वार्षिक प्रदर्शनी आयोजित की गई। प्रदर्शनी में बच्चों ने विज्ञान, गणित, सामाजिक विज्ञान, विभिन्न भाषाओं (हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, संस्कृत) एवं कला और शिल्प का एक समृद्ध मिश्रण प्रस्तुत किया। प्रदर्शनी में विविध प्रतिभा, ज्ञान और संस्कृति का विस्तृत स्वरूप देखने को मिला।

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Annual Function - 2023

Sagar Public School Ratibad celebrated its Annual Day with a display of immense talent to glorify academic and skilling excellence. The much-awaited day was filled with zeal when the students, staff and parents witnessed the extraordinary endeavors of the Sagarites, who worked enthusiastically to present a splendid performance at the school premises. Ms. Mridula Tripathi Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya was the esteemed Chief Guest for the occasion. A vibrant and emotionally colorful programme in colorful attire marked the annual day presentation by the Sagarites. The theme of the presentation was based on the theme ‘‘धरोहर” – The Saga of Earth in which Sagarites exhibited their talent and inherited values as the epitome of humanism presenting the Journey of Earth – past, present, and future. They showcased a strong message of save the earth by planting trees, save water. no to plastic, using cloth bags and being sustainable. The cultural fiesta was marked by a series of exotic talents creating the essence of emotions in musical, dance and drama presentations. The musical fiesta by the school choir group set the mood of the audience to witness the presentation. Sagarites showcased Earth’s Happy past of Green, full of water with no waste. In the present scenario, Sagarites showcased the damage done by humans to the earth by polluting it and presented the efforts made to save it under Chipko movement, Narmada Bachao Aandolan, and Save Soil to reverse the same. Sagarites creative presentation with Earth as the host engrossed and connected everyone. The final presentation Panchma Bhootam showcased the five elements of the earth coming together in the form of a virtuous trail uniting to Save Earth for a sustainable future. The fest concluded with a vote of thanks followed by the singing of the school anthem.

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Remembering Father of Nation

The students of the Pre-Primary Sections of Sagar Public school Ratibad put up an enactment of Dandi March to increase awareness about Mahatma Gandhi 's contribution in the freedom struggle of India. The teachers were engaged in a conversation about Salt Tax, its effects on the Indians and how this protest was the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement in India. Let us all remember the Father of nation today for his innumerable contributions towards the freedom of our great motherland!

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Ganesh Ji Idol Making

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most auspicious occasions for Hindus, and it's celebrated with all traditional fervor. We at Sagar Public School Ratibad organised various activities to welcome Almighty Lord Ganesha. Grade Nursery to Class V were encouraged to make idols of Ganesha using eco friendly clay and mud. All the students participated enthusiastically and will keep this handmade items at their homes. Overall it was an enjoyable day for all.

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Foundation Day Celebation and Investiture Ceremony 2023 - 2024

“A Legacy of Leadership: Honoring 6 years of Sagar Public School, Ratibad and Inspiring Tomorrow's Leaders at the Investiture Ceremony!” On July 1, 2023, Sagar Public School Ratibad had its Foundation Day celebration and the Investiture Ceremony for the 2023–2024 academic year to encourage and kindle leadership qualities in our young prodigies. The program commenced with the lighting of lamp for seeking blessings of Maa Saraswati. Vice Principal Ms.Rashmi Seth welcomed the August gathering and congratulated the new council members. The event's Chief guest,Commissioner Scout and Guide Mr.Rajeev Jain delivered his speech to the distinguished audience . Through his speech, he inspired the children to develop their leadership skills and inculcate discipline in their life. A significant moment of the ceremony was the formal introduction of the student council members. The names of the council members were announced, and they walked proudly towards the stage, donned in their new badges of office. The ceremony inducted the newly formed council – Head Boy and Head Girl along with Sports Captain, House Captains, Vice Captains and prefects were honoured The student council members took an oath, pledging to serve the school community with dedication and integrity. Meritorious students of class X were suitably rewarded with the scholarship and certificates. To showcase the talents of our students, various cultural performances, including dance, singing were organized during the ceremony. Theperformances not only entertained the audience but also demonstrated the artistic prowess of our students. The Sistec Principal Dr.Manish Billore showers his blessings with his words of wisdom. The investiture ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks and School Anthem. In conclusion, the investiture ceremony at SPS Ratibad was a grand and memorable event that recognized the leadership potential within our students and celebrated their achievements. It provided a platform to instill value-based leadership qualities in the young minds and encouraged them to serve as responsible citizens.

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Internation Yoga Day Celebration

On June 21st, Sagar Public School joined the global community in celebrating International Yoga Day. The event aimed to promote the significance and benefits of yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being among students, teachers, and staff members. The students of middle section gathered in an open area where colorful yoga mats were set up. The instructor guided the participants through a series of yoga postures and breathing exercises, promoting balance, flexibility, and body strength. The session was tailored to suit participants of different age groups and fitness levels, ensuring everyone could fully engage and experience the beauty of yoga.

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Watermelon Day Celebration

The juicy and scrumptious watermelon is truly one of summertime's sweetest treats with a name like "????????????????????????????????????????" It is no wonder that eating it on a hot and exhausting day leads to refreshing and hydrating our bodies On Saturday, 29th April, 2023 we celebrated '???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????' in our PPRT Section. The tiny tots were dressed up as watermelon and performed various activities related to the fruit as it was a fun filled day for the children.. The concept of water content along with the benefits of its consumption during summers were also explained to them..Juicy watermelons were cut into slices and offered to the children who relished its taste.

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World Earth Day

World Earth Day - Students of Classes III to VIII of Sagar Public School, Ratibad celebrated Earth Day through various activities. Such activities encourage students' creativity and instill a sense of responsibility towards saving and caring for the planet.Students enjoyed the activities a lot. The day was marked not only by awareness but also enthusiasm on the part of students.

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ASPIRE - Session

The motto of the Indian Airforce got manifested with an interactive, insightful and enriching session under the aegis of the Career Counseling Cell at Sagar Public School, Ratibad on April 13, 2023. Wing commander Brahmanand Mishra invoked curiosity in the minds of young Sagarites about the Indian Airforce and the various services performed by them. He clarified doubts regarding various modes of entry into the Defense Forces like NDA, CDS, Agniveer etc.and also apprised about the selection procedure. It gave a wonderful opportunity to the students to not just understand the importance of joining the armed services but also the preparations required to don that uniform and carry those stars on one's shoulder.

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'A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.' To highlight the importance of reading DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) activity was conducted at SPS RB today to commemorate the birthday of beloved author Beverly Cleary. Students and the staff members participated whole heartedly. Everyone dedicated the time for extra reading.Since students of classes KG I and KG II cannot read properly, the teachers narrated stories to them to make them aware about the importance of reading.During this one hour, the entire school became a big reading room. Children thoroughly enjoyed themselves while reading some of the masterpieces.

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Parents Orientation - 2023-24

The foundation for good Parent Teacher relationship is frequent and open communication, mutual respect and a clear understanding of what is best for an individual child. Sagar Public School, Ratibad, organized an Orientation Programme for the new set of parents on Saturday, April 08th, 2023, to familiarize them, “as partners in progress” with the curriculum and school system, teaching methodologies and the co-scholastic activities. E- magazine CORAL was also launched in the presence of the parents. Parents were updated about the changes from Montessori to Primary then to secondary and senior secondary.The assessment system and career counseling tips were also given by Ms.Bindu. Good parenting tips were shared by the director, Ms Jaishree Kanwar followed by an open house, where parents discussed their apprehensions, which resulted in a fruitful culmination.

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Fauji Mela Visit

To strengthen bond between Army and masses and witness the might of Defence Forces, HQ has organised a "Fauji Mela" at MVM College Ground, Bhopal from 29 Mar to 02 Apr 2023. Sagarites of classes VIII to XII attended activities which are being organised like Equipment Display of Tri service, Army motorcycle riders etc. A large number of students aspiring to join Army and dreaming high to serve the nation as defence personnel participated in this programme with great enthusiasm and curiosity. The Fauji Mela is being inaugurated by the Honourable CM of Madhya Pradesh on 29th Mar 23. The students get motivated and tried to understand the army functioning.

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Final PTM - 2022-23

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela The Final Parent Teacher Meeting for classes Nur to XI was held on 18th March 2023 to discuss the performance of students with their parents. Parents were given feedback on their ward’s performances in Term II Exam 2022-23. It was a great interaction between the teacher and the parents for the development of their children where they discussed both the strengths and areas of improvements. The progress report shown to the parents and their suggestions were noted. The PTM came to an end with the conclusion that joint effort, mutual understanding and co-operation of parents and teachers is very important for the proper progress of students. There was a positive feedback from the parents about the effort of the school and the teachers for the holistic growth and development of all students.

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National Trip

The students of Classes V-IX were taken for an educational trip to Hyderabad from 10th of March -13th of March, 2023. They were accompanied by their teachers. The Golconda Fort, Salar Jung Museum, Char Minar, Husain Sagar Lake, Ramoji Film City, Chowmahalla Palace, Hyderabad Zoo, etc, were some of the places visited by the students. By the end of the trip, the children were well informed about the history of Hyderabad. They returned home with sweet memories.

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Patriotic Dance Competition

Sagar Public School,Ratibad organised Dance Competition based on the theme of Patriotism where children displayed their love for the country through patriotic dances. The students enjoyed the performance and were spellbound till the end. Classes III - V participated in this dance competition

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Makar Sankranti Celebration

Students of Classes Nursery to KG II of Sagar Public School, Ratibad celebrated Makar Sankranti .While the celebration of Makar Sankranti takes different forms in different places..One of the most enjoyable part of this festival is flying beautiful kites.On this festival students participated in the Kite Making Activity with zeal and enthusiasm.

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Lohri Celebration

tudents of Classes Nursery to KG II of Sagar Public School, Ratibad celebrated Lohri festival..Lohri is the festival of the New Year and is a popular harvest festival that is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm.

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Annual Exhibition- SPECTRUM

The Annual Exhibition- SPECTRUM held at Sagar Public School, Ratibad wherein students displayed their art works and subject specific models and projects. At Sagar Public School, Ratibad, we empower our students with their powerful medium of expression. A carefully designed curriculum ensures that the students not only learn basics of Art and Craft but are able to express themselves freely.

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Christmas Celebration

A special assembly was conducted by the students of Saryu House on 24th December 2022 on the occasion of Christmas Day Celebration. The birth of Jesus was showcased gracefully by our young folks.

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Annual Sports Day

Annual Sports Day was held on Saturday 24th December 2022. The pleasant weather was the perfect boost for the students on their 4th Annual Sports meet at Sagar Public School,Ratibad .

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Winter is not a season it's a celebration Winter celebration was conducted in Sagar Public School, Ratibad on 21st December, 2022...Sagar Haat was organised by Nursery to Class KG II students..

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An air of jubilation and exuberance seemed to adorn Sagar Public School, Ratibad on 17 th December 2020 as it organised its ‘SportsFiesta’- a magnificent sports extravaganza filled with fervour and excitement where the parents manifested their sports skills with impeccable expertise.

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To instill this thought in the mind of our young sagarities, an event "MATH-E-MAGIC" was organised on 14th Dec,22. The students of classes K.G I- V participated enthusiastically.

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Orange Day Celebration

Our Junior Sagarites of classes Nur to KGII celebrated ????????‘Orange Day’ with a series of creative activities and fun games???????? It was a great learning activity which helped the children understand the concept of the orange colour with props.

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Navras - Annual Function 2022

Sagar Public School Ratibad celebrated its Annual Day with a display of immense talent to glorify academic and skilling excellence. The much-awaited day was filled with zeal when the students, staff and parents witnessed the extraordinary endeavors of the students, who worked enthusiastically to present a splendid performance at the Celebrations auditorium at the school premises. Mr. Somit Shrivastava, Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan graced the occasion as the esteemed Chief Guest for the occasion. A vibrant and emotionally colorful programme in lively attire marked the annual day presentation by the Sagarites. The theme of the presentation was based on the theme ‘‘Navras” – The Essence of Emotions in which Sagarites exhibited their talent and values as the epitome of humanism. The cultural fiesta was marked by a series of exotic talents creating the essence of emotions and mood. The musical fiesta by the school choir group titled voice of vigor set the mood of the audience. After the musical bravery gala, the scintillating performance of sunflower dance by tiny Sagarites connected the emotions of a bright life in conjunction Vatsalya Ras establishing the relation between son, mother and motherland followed by 30 asanas performed by Sagarites in Antaraman connecting the Shant Ras which was greeted with thunderous applause by the audience. The highlight of the show was Kathak Divyam representing Shringar Ras, Hindi Play Nivarati connecting the Bhakti Ras and Hasya Ras English Skit Rendevous with Horror on experiential learning, Green Gold’s depiction of Karun ras and Mime Hillarious Gesticulation showcasing the seven stages of life. The grand ending of the annual presentation was the showcasing of Shiv Tandav with Raudra Ras on display representing the aggressiveness to move forward with emotions. A felicitation ceremony also marked the day with award of student of the year to Pallavi Akundi of class IX and Best Teacher award to Ms Kavita Dwivedi. The fest concluded with vote of thanks followed by singing of school anthem.

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Diwali Celebrations 2022

Different competitions were conducted for classes III to X on the occasion of Diwali. Diya making competition was for classes III-VI. The children enthusiastically took part in the competition and came up with some very interesting ideas. Every piece was decorated in a unique and beautiful way. Rangoli making competition was conducted for classes VII to X. The students put their best foot forward and took part in the competition with zest. Innovation and creation are the words that best describes their efforts.

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Unity is Strength - Alaknanda House Assembly

"When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." Alaknanda House Assembly was conducted at Sagar Public School, Ratibad by the students on the topic- " Unity is Strength". Unity is an important element for the society we live in, as we all together form this whole nation. “Strength is always with the Unity” is a well-known phrase and it is true. Unity represents togetherness and being there for each other like we all are one. Therefore, in unity, everyone stands together for every big problem. Students performed a small role play on the topic and depicted the importance of unity in strength very well.

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Candle Decoration Activity by Pre Primary Students

A candle ????✨️ is a symbol of purification and cleansing, which explains why the candle is used in many religious ????and spiritual ceremonies.. ???? Our little Sagarites of classes Nur,KGI,& KGII performed Candle Decoration Activity ????️????️This activity was conducted to teach them about to become creative and easy to make decor ideas.???? Students participated with great zeal and enthusiasm and happily carried their creation back home. ???????????? Wish you a joyous and prosperous diwali????

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World Student's Day Celebrations

Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great! " - Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam World Student's Day is observed annually on October 15 to mark the birth anniversary of the former President of India- Dr A.P.J Adbul Kalam. This day was first celebrated in 2010 when Kalam was 79 years old. Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam, who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007, was a successful aerospace scientist and a dedicated teacher. To celebrate this day - ' Rendezvous- a meet with scientists' was held at Sagar Public School, Ratibad wherein students of classes VI- IX represented their favourite Indian scientist who inspires them. Students were dressed up exactly like the scientist they were depicting and also spoke few lines about them. The aim of the activity was to let them explore more about our Indian scientists who made our country proud and to highlight their exemplary contributions in the field of Science.

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