English Language Day
April 23, 2024
'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.'" The English Language Day celebration at Sagar Public School Ratibad was a roaring success! English Language Day is celebrated on April 23rd, which is also the birthday of the famous playwright William Shakespeare. It's a special day to recognize the impact and beauty of the English language. At our school, we had an exciting celebration where students performed a renowned play by Shakespeare called "The Merchant of Venice". The play tells a captivating story of love, friendship, and justice. The students did an incredible job bringing the characters to life and showcasing their acting skills. It was a joy to watch! The performances not only entertained us but also highlighted the brilliance of Shakespeare's language and his ability to capture human emotions. It was a fantastic way to honor the great playwright and appreciate the power of the English language.